Board of Directors Role and Responsibilities
The board has well-managed, regular monthly meetings, with an advance agenda and regular distribution of minutes. Currently the board meets every second Thursday of each month from 11:30 to 1:00.
The board is the ultimate decision-making body for the organization and is responsible for ensuring that the organization operates in accordance with its bylaws. Board members establish policy, approve the annual budget, focus organization goals, and guide the Executive Director. Board Officers include the President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer.
Our board consists of local leaders and involved residents that represent a variety of community interest from education to banking to architectural preservation. A local Main Street program must ensure that there is a strong connection between the board and the Main Street committees. There are four active Pikeville Main Street committees that carry out the four points of the Main Street community revitalization approach, preservation and design, economic vitality, promotion and organization.
Misty Potter, President
Gina Roberts, Vice President
Libby Carter, Secretary/Treasurer
Community Members
Suetta Clevinger
Brenda Minix
Ryan Stratton
Polly Hopkins
Julie Goff
Appointed Members
Mayor Jimmy Carter - City of Pikeville
Judge Ray Jones - Pike County Judge
Sharon Hall (Proxy)
Jimmy Taylor - Pikeville Tourism Director
Andy Linton - Pikeville City Tourism Events Director
Tony Tackett - Pike County Tourism
Southeast KY Chamber - Jordan Gibson
Amber Campbell (Proxy)
Preservation Council
The Main Street program must ensure that there is a strong connection between the board and the Main Street committees. To achieve this, the Pikeville Main Street Program recommends that board members serve on one of the 4 Point Approach committees as set forth by the National Main Street Program.
Each committee is also represented by community volunteers to carry out the goals and projects of the program.
Organization means getting everyone working toward the same goal. The tough work of building consensus and cooperation among the groups that have an important stake in the district can be eased by using the common-sense formula of a volunteer-driven program and an organizational structure of the board and committees.
Volunteer Recruitment
Annual Meetings
Financial/ Budget Planning
Business Improvement means finding a new purpose for Main Street’s enterprises by helping existing downtown businesses expand and recruiting new ones to respond to today’s market, Main Street programs help convert unused space into productive property and sharpen the competitiveness of business enterprises.
Building Inventory
Business Recruitment
Business Directory
Vacant Space Inventory
Educational Seminars & Workshops
Promotion means selling the image and promise of Main Street by marketing the district’s unique characteristics to shoppers, investors, new businesses and visitors. An effective promotion strategy forges a positive image through advertising retail promotion activity, special events, and marketing campaigns carried out by local volunteers.
Special Events
Image Branding
Retail Promotions
Identify Market Niche
Social Media
Design means getting Main Street into top physical shape. Capitalizing on it’s best assets such as historic building and traditional downtown layout-is just a part of the story. An inviting atmosphere created through window displays, parking areas, signs, sidewalks, streetlights, and landscaping conveys a visual message about what Main Street is and what it has to offer.
Façade Projects
Walking Tour Guide
Photo Inventories (including historic photos)
Public Improvements Program
Space/Amenities (lights, trash, benches)
Clean-up days